Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Mercedes Benz C-Drive

This is a very late update of the MB C-Drive- thanks to an invite. Hosted at Santa Monica Airport (Desired airport for da rich-n-famous). Many street signs led the way to Hangar 8 where a noisy shuttle took you from the parking lot to the actual hangar which the event was held in. The event was basically an indoor lounge inside the hangar, and a group test drive. More on both later.

The drop off location for the shuttles and the staging area for the actual group test drive.

After registration with wireless ID cards and liability waivers, a slick speaker shows off a C350 in front of a video display for about 5 minutes.

Immediately behind the speaker and the C350 is a row of stations. There is one for a sponsor- teeth whitening with samples, and food! The food consisted of milk shots with assorted cookies, brownie bites, an espresso machine and refrigerated Fuji water.

Further to the left of the food stations lie a C300 to sit in and play with, restrooms and several couches.

Completing the 360 survey of the hangar is another booth of a sponsor, some sound systems and the initial registration tables.

This picture sums up the test drive. A red C class is driven by event staff who speaks to each car via a hand held receiver. 3 C350s and 2 C300s follow a street course that lasts approximately 10 minutes, with a highlight being a set of 6 or so stop signs allowing the driver to floor the car into 2nd gear, stop, repeat.

All in all the event was small, although it is understandable due to the target consumer, and the fact that the event was based around a singular entry level car. Sadly, the 10 minute drive needed a minimum wait of 1 hour, standing, in the sun for the most part. A much much improved C Class, from the inside out, but not worth the hefty price tag for a lacking car.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.